martes, 25 de diciembre de 2018

Prologue Chronicles of Gaia

Dear readers,
I would like to introduce you the prologue of Chronicles of Gaia: Blood and Dust, which is being translated and will be published in the first months of 2019, so be attentive to Amazon and don't miss the release date!!

After years of doubts, suppositions and gossip, the truth will finally be known.
Bursts of wind made the horses nervous on that summer day when the sun shone high in a cloudless sky. Before those days there had been many disputes and wars, but at last there was something like peace, or at least that's what they believed. However, it is stupid to believe that peace will last forever, for the nature of man from the dawn of time is to try to dominate others.
Only a person did not seem to believe what his eyes were seeing in those moments, what they had so much desired and longed for. He was the person who held the pages they had been so eagerly searching for, the one to whom those writings were destined. It was true that the author had wanted those pages to reach the hands of the one who was holding them now. At least, that had been the purpose of someone worshipped by many and hated by many others.
It was not hatred what those gathered around Indurinel felt, but curiosity, a latent curiosity in the air. During the last few months there had been an increase in speculation and gossip, there were even those who dared to assert that such writings did not exist. It was then when Ladenor raised his voice and silenced the rumors, insisting that his father had been there at the moment when Sinduner wrote everything. However, it was the word of a person who had been dead for many years.
They all had great respect for Unlinor, but the truth was that none of them had been there when it all happened. The stories of those times were told in every town, city, watchtower, ship, in short, every corner of the world. The truth, however, was that every day the skeptics increased. The attempts to discredit the heroes of those times that now seemed so distant grew every day. It was known that that book had even been forged by people who wanted everyone to tell what their hand had written, or simply wanted to sell those documents to some naive person for an exorbitant price.
People all over Gaia had waited a long time to know the truth, even if it was only a fragment of it. And they finally achieved it, because the hands of Indurinel held the story of a life and many deaths.

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